The Board
The Swiss Movement Disorders Symposium is organised by the Foundation for Research in Parkinson and Movement Disorders.
Our board members are as follows:

PD Dr. med. Daniel Waldvogel
Daniel Waldvogel completed his medical studies in Basel, Switzerland. His first teacher in neurology was Professor Hans-Peter Ludin in St. Gallen, who encouraged him to subspecialise in movement disorders. After completing his residency in St. Gallen and Bern, he worked for three years with Professor Mark Hallett at the NIH. He now runs a busy practice at St. Anna in Lucerne and acts as a movement disorders consultant at the University of Zürich.

Prof. Dr. med. Selma Aybek
Professor Aybek completed her medical training and neurology residency in Lausanne, Switzerland. Her research focuses mainly on functional neurological disorder (conversion disorder). She currently runs a clinic for patients with functional neurological disorders (FND) at Bern University Hospital in Switzerland and leads a research programme aimed at underpinning the neural correlates of this disorder.

Prof. Dr. med. Christian Lüscher
Christian Lüscher is a neurologist and professor of neuroscience at the University of Geneva. His research focuses on the neural basis of drug addiction.
Christian Lüscher has published 60+ original articles, several in Nature, Science, Neuron, and Nature Neuroscience that are cited more than 10,000 times. His core funding comes from the Swiss National Science Foundation and the ERC (advanced grant 2013-9). His is a member of the senate of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences and the laureate of several prizes, including the Ott Prize (2017), the Koetzer Prize (2016), and the Cloëtta Prize (2010).
Prof. Dr. med. Claudio Bassetti
Claudio Bassetti trained in neurology in Bern and Lausanne and performed research fellowships in basic neurophysiology and sleep medicine. He has authored over 400 scientific publications on sleep, stroke, and movement disorders. Since 2012 he has worked as a full professor of neurology in Bern. He was president of the European Neurological and Sleep Research and Swiss Neurological Societies.
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